Volunteers Make Sunday Happen
LIVE is our faith in action, first inside the church and also outside. Volunteers play an essential role in making our Sunday gathering happen. We also know volunteers can change the lives of our guests—just one welcoming smile or interaction with a volunteer can make all the difference. We offer a variety of opportunities to serve, allowing everyone to play a role in carrying out SGCC's mission of living one's faith.
Here's How You Can Serve

Sundays 10:30-11:30 am
Love the little ones? Volunteers staff the Nursery (infant - age 3) during worship services. Adults and teens are encouraged to volunteer.
Love the little ones? Volunteers staff the Nursery (infant - age 3) during worship services. Adults and teens are encouraged to volunteer.

Children's Church
Sundays 10:30-11:30 am
Volunteers share a Bible lesson with kids (3yrs old – 2nd grade) including crafts, games, prayer, and discussion. All lessons are provided.
Volunteers share a Bible lesson with kids (3yrs old – 2nd grade) including crafts, games, prayer, and discussion. All lessons are provided.

6-8 Grade Middle School Youth Leaders
Second Sunday each month 5-6 pm
Perfect for the adult that still wants to act like a kid! Volunteer team members welcome students and model God's love through games, activities, and Bible lessons.
Perfect for the adult that still wants to act like a kid! Volunteer team members welcome students and model God's love through games, activities, and Bible lessons.

High School Youth Leaders
Sunday Evenings 6:30-8 pm
Volunteer team members are committed to building relationships with students and helping them grow and own their faith through games, discussions and Bible studies.
Volunteer team members are committed to building relationships with students and helping them grow and own their faith through games, discussions and Bible studies.

First Impressions Team (FIT)
Sundays 10-10:30 am
Greet each guest with a smile!
As a host, you offer the first welcome to Sunday morning worshipers at the front door. Training is provided and team members are on a rotating schedule.
Greet each guest with a smile!
As a host, you offer the first welcome to Sunday morning worshipers at the front door. Training is provided and team members are on a rotating schedule.

Worship Team
Sundays 9-11:30 & weekly evening practice
Love worship and have the gift of music? We are always on the lookout for musicians and singers. Come try out and join the team.
Love worship and have the gift of music? We are always on the lookout for musicians and singers. Come try out and join the team.

Media Team
Sundays 9-11:30 am
Do you love all things technology?
Volunteer team members work the sound board and computer projection during service. Training is provided. Come give it a try!
Do you love all things technology?
Volunteer team members work the sound board and computer projection during service. Training is provided. Come give it a try!

Wacky Wednesdays
2nd Wed of the Month, 6-7:30 pm
Volunteer team members greet guests and lead a night of themed fun for the whole family. Games, crafts, and hands-on activities are just part of the fun. All activities provided.
Volunteer team members greet guests and lead a night of themed fun for the whole family. Games, crafts, and hands-on activities are just part of the fun. All activities provided.